Best Jute Bags & Paper Napkins Exporter in India
Marwal Group Known as a Best Jute Bags and Paper Napkins wholesaler in india | rajasthan journey started Along with the spice and cotton industry, in 1982-83, you started working in agricultural engines. This work brought a lot of fame to the firm and the firm became famous by your name in the surrounding area.In 1991, major changes were made by you in the work related to the firm. This year a new firm was added to the group and the main business of this firm was the trading of irrigation-related products in agriculture. With time more products were added like industrial goods, sanitary wares, electrical wares, motor starter panels, etc.
In 2004, a new firm was started by the group to manufacture fiber-related products. The firm was engaged in Molding Facings of Fiber Reinforcement Plastics, FRP, etc. This product mainly deals with the automobile sector. Along with the demand of the domestic market, FRP products are also exported to foreign countries.
In 2011, the group started the paper manufacturing business. Many products like Jute bags, paper napkins, toilet paper rolls, and kitchen rolls are made in this and now work as Best Jute bags & paper napkins wholesaler in India | Rajasthan
The group has reached this stage by incorporating innovations because of the trust of its customers and this journey will continue with this trust

Best Jute Bags & Paper Napkins Wholesaler in India | Rajasthan
Social Work
The group has done many social and environmental-related works from time to time according to its objective. Like helping helpless children so that the children get quality education and they can fulfill their responsibility towards society. Providing financial assistance for the maintenance of Cow shed, encouraging tree plantation, etc.